How I Pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect SAA-C02 Exam 2 Week Preparation

Before starting preparation for this exam, I had zero experience with AWS. But after two weeks, I’m certified! Do I say that this is an easy exam? NO! Absolutely wrong. The scope of this exam is extremely large and nearly most of the AWS services involved. In this article, I will share how I studied and passed the AWS Certified Solutions Architect (SAA-C02).


I attended various courses, both in-person and online.


My company organized an instructor-led course in the office and I’ve attended for free (Nice benefit!). It is more understandable when you are listening to the instructor teaching with your mother-tongue (My mother-tongue is not English).

The other advantage of attending an instructor-led course is that you can ask questions immediately during the class whenever you have doubts about the material presented. It helps you to learn more in-depth and customize. Also, it is a good learning process when your classmates ask as well. Sometimes you just think we know the stuff but when your classmates ask the questions you never think of, you will find that you actually don’t understand the materials at all! This happened many times during my course and we learned a lot throughout this Q&A process.

In the course, we need to do six hands-on labs in Qwiklabs. It is very good practice to do hands-on exercises right after you learn the related concepts. It helps you consolidate what you have just learned by making your hands dirty. But if you don’t have a Qwiklabs account, you can always use AWS free-tiers to do your experiments. There are many hands-on exercise guides on the Internet to guide you using services in AWS.

ExamsLeads Study Material

I purchased this exam dumps on ExamsLead for around $41.3 when there was a 30% discount offer. You can also get the discount by using this coupon code DontPayFull.

ExmasLead Actual SAA-C02 Dumps

I recommend all of you to prepare with these SAA-C02 dumps before attending the real exam. It provides simulated questions that are very similar to the actual SAA-C02 exam.

One of the selling points of this SAA-C02 exam dumps is that manay question contains detailed explanations that will help you gain a deeper understanding of the AWS services. It not just explains what the correct answer is, but also explains why other answers are wrong. It is extremely helpful to make you recognize the difference between similar services.

SAA-C02 Dumps

AWS Whitepapers

Although it is recommended to read all the related whitepapers and learn all the concepts and strategies from them, I didn’t read the whitepapers. AWS has just updated the whitepapers of the Well-Architected Framework and the Five Pillars. If you have sufficient time, reading those whitepapers will be a great supplement to your exam preparations and will help you gain a better understanding of the different AWS services.

Exam Tips For Non-Native English Speakers

You can request an extra 30 minutes if you are non-native English speakers.

Follow the steps in this reference and request accommodation to receive an additional 30 minutes to complete it.


Finishing the certification is not the end of the story, in fact, this is just the beginning of my cloud journey. If you are interested, join me on this journey. I pass the exam with a high score. I still have a lot of things to learn about AWS. The exam motivated me to learn all these latest cloud technologies and the exam result keeps me learning. It is a life long learning process!

I wish you the best of luck! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to leave a response, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.


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